With over 10,000 students trained in Thailand, Indonesia and India, Sohum Spa Academies proves itself as the most comprehensive and committed spa academy globally. We are dedicated to the enhancement of the health and beauty industry with a strong dedication and commitment towards our students.
In Sohum Spa Academies, spa education is based on real world, practical experiences that are offered to the students in an upscale spa environment.
All our students are expected to deliver our top quality services that we take pride in. They are guided and supervised by certified instructors with a number of years of experience under their belts.
The system of spa training designed at our world class academies takes students above and beyond the basic skills and provides them with the knowledge that is relevant in today’s context. This is in preparation for a rock solid foundation and career in the ever evolving, creative, multibillion dollar wellness industry.
While providing hands on training in different spa therapies from Eastern and Western traditions, we are also constantly evolving and conducting research into international wellness trends with the aim of mastering new therapies, treatments and procedures.
Our vocational courses are completely job oriented and give a candidate the confidence to work and grow personally as well as professionally within the aegis of the Sohum group and outside it as well.
All our academies propagate the immense knowledge present in the Ayurveda and other ancient Asian texts in a contemporary setting to avail the best of both the worlds. Comprehensive courses aim at educating students about holistic wellness treatments that relax, refresh and rejuvenate an individual completely, externally and from within.
At Sohum Spa Academies, our love for our industry showcases itself well in all our activities and training techniques. It is our belief that the magic of the healing and rejuvenating touch should be passed onto as many people as possible. With this basic guiding thought in mind, youngsters at our academy are trained not only into becoming masseuses and therapists, but professionals who are motivated to spread the wellness factor amongst their clients and the magic of the healing touch in general.